Sunday, October 2, 2011


As I mentioned in my last post, one of my favorite things about fall is watching the new TV shows that come out. There are so many good shows out this time around, I am almost overwhelmed. Thank goodness for DVR!
My favorite so far this season has been Fox's New Girl.
I love Zooey Deschanel and I think she is absolutely perfect for this role. I've been looking forward to this show for what seems like forever and for me it definitely didn't disappoint. Alex thinks it's more of a chick show, but I'm a chick so perfect!
Another show that I was looking forward to was ABC's Pan Am and I enjoyed it very much. I wish air travel was still as glamorous as it was in the 1960's.
Those outfits are amazing! I would totally be a Pan-Am girl {maybe that's a good halloween costume?}
Some old favorites that have come back for new seasons are...

And although it isn't new, Alex and I recently started watching How I Met Your Mother from the very beginning. I LOVE that show, all the characters are great but Neil Patrick Harris is my favorite and has be cracking up every episode.
What is your favorite show? Anything else I should be watching?

1 comment:

  1. I TOLD you to start watching how I met your mother! I TOLD you it was amazing!
