I currently work as a hospitality manager for a large hotel chain. I really do love being in the hospitality industry, however, I definitely do not want to stop where I am at. I have two over-all career goals. I either...
1. want to go work for Disney {again}
2. want to work for myself
Lately, I have been taking steps towards option number 2 by slowly starting to build up an event consulting business and am excited to announce that I will be working my first wedding completely on my own next month!
It's crazy exciting.
I also have another wedding lined up in November {woohoo!}
Some may say I'm doing things a little backwards since I've booked two clients before "branding" myself. And while there is some truth to that, I want to see how things go and sort of let my brand develop itself. Through working my first event and meeting with new clients, I believe I will have a clearer vision of what I want my business to consist of. Until then, I will continue to enjoy the process and look forward to seeing what the future has in store!
Well hello I have not been on this site in forever. I love the new design!! I'm so proud of your consulting business and I can't wait to be co-cast members again! I wish the seasonal hours weren't so restrictive :(